Monday, July 30, 2007

Week One Check In

When I weighed this morning I saw that I lost three pounds. My BMI is now at 32.3. I think it was a success. I counted all my points even though I went over about 30 for the week - but it was week one and I refuse to beat myself up this time over any of this. Obsession is not good for me. My goals for this week are to keep my points closer to where they should be and walk more - I only walked once last week.

Terry and I ordered some workout videos to help us get into shape. He ordered P90X. And I ordered Power 90 and Power 90 Master Series. We are not expecting overnight results or anything. It just looks like a good plan and one we can stick to. The neat thing is that we will complete our 90 days right before my b-day.

Of course I will give a full review of the workout plan when I finally get it - takes 5-7 business days. UGH!!! I hate waiting.

First Week Recap

The first week is over and I'm happy to say that I lost 3 pounds.

That's saying a lot since I had a bad weekend. I am an emotional eater and it started on Friday night. I was really feeling frustrated over all the stuff I'm runing into trying to get my house repairs taken care of. I had a hamburger and milk shake for dinner. Then Saturday was grazing all day. The good news is that I counted points through it all. Plus I only worked out twice last week. Not good at all.

Last week is behind me and I am starting this week off with a different attitude. At least I am trying. I actually bought some good dinners for me at the store on Sunday. All I have to do is cook them. I am also going to try to work out at least 3 days this coming week. I can do this.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Little Backwards but....

I'll spend the time to introduce myself and my struggles in the near feature. HOWEVER for now, I'd like to pass along a few links that I found recently:

Hungry Girl Blog: Tips & Tricks...For Hungry Chicks and Some Float Options
Hungry Girl Article on Yahoo! Food


Wednesday - ate a very healthy dinner at home instead of eating out

Thursday - had the sushi guy make me brown rice California rolls when they were out and did not accept that they did not have low fat or lite dressing for my salad so I bought my own

Friday - ate my oatmeal instead of the free breakfast provided

My allergies are killing me. Between that and the rain I have only walked once this week. I am hoping to get some miles in this weekend.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day Two Check In

Today's discovery: grilled chicken with honey mustard dressing flatbread salad from Quiznos is 27 points. I only get 21 a day. TWENTY- SEVEN.

I was good and counted. I am happy to say that I still ate a healthy dinner and did not use all of my extra points.

I also walked 2 miles in 38 minutes this morning. Yay additional two points.

Personal Accountability

I am pleased to have the opportunity to gain some support in others trying to be healthy. As I post I will always try to be as honest and open as I can tolerate. Now for it.
I have always carried extra pounds ever since I was a child, but it never seemed to hold me back in any real sense now that I look back upon that time. I dated pretty girls, had many friends, and was always involved in athletics. I married a very special woman and we shared and still hope to attain common goals in life. We also had a very active life. How could that change?
After a couple of very bad breaks, illness and loss of family. I have managed to go from being around 20-30 pounds overweight, and comfortable with it, to over 100 lbs overweight & miserable. I have only one thing I can really attribute it to, and that is that I am addicted to food and use it as a way of escape when I experience certain triggers in my life. Up until a year ago I would say I was like a junky getting a daily fix, no triggers required. I would eat just cause it felt good to do so. I now realize that I was feeding the demon that was tormenting me. I don't know exactly when the instance occurred, but somethings or rather some people have spurred my want for change. Family. My wife and family are the most important things in my life. I want to be able to enjoy the time I have with them without being uncomfortable or self-conscious. I think this blog will help.
I intend to use a food journal as a way to track my attempt to limit my calories. I will also do daily exercise with out overdoing it and causing myself injury. Each week I hope to post with the calorie count for the week and an account of exercise. I am going to use clothing sizes as my benchmarks for loss, but not set a ultimate goal. I just want to go shopping in my closet.

Monday, July 23, 2007

I am honored

You are all so wonderful! Thank you for including me. <3+1

I also am on a path to weight loss, but the tracking thing never worked for me. I am too simple-minded to even have a gas budget. However, growing up Catholic, I have a large portion of my brain reserved for guilt, and its a pretty good scale everyday of whether I know if I've done well or not.

Highest I ever was was 205 lbs. Granted, I'm very dense and have thick bones, but I really deep down hated myself. But then I went in for endometriosis surgery and because of being on the IV I lost close to 10 lbs (mostly water weight I know) but I decided then that I wasn't going to get it back. That was February 2006. I've been losing about 1-2 lbs a month since then because of walking or jogging and quitting sugared sodas. I am this morning, 1.5 years later, at 161, size 10. I am going to post "before" pictures when I get to my work computer.

Part of my weight loss was spurred by my divorce and change in eating habits. I now no longer eat a full meal at dinner, and that helps a lot. Lunch is my big meal and dinner is often a yogurt smoothie + v8 or a bowl of cereal several hours before bed. But I still have a number of bad habits.

I have two goals: 20 more lbs and fight off the dymensia and cancer that has taken nearly every member of my mom's side of the family, which means actually eating right, not just eating less. That's going to be the hardest part for me as I'm not a talented cook nor do I like things like fish. But I need to try because if not I have maybe 15-20 more years before my brain starts to die like all my relatives.

I love you all and I want to help (and get help) if I can. I think its so great that we're doing athletic related fun things together. It really inspires me. Some friends go out drinking together, but we're working on going out in the sun to be healthy together.
Today I joined Weight Watchers on line. I had been a member a long time ago but have drifted away. During that time I have tried many different diets and given up on many different diets.

It was really strange when I joined and started counting my points. It felt right. I have missed it. It makes me feel as though I have some control. I need that feeling of control. Especially since I have so much to lose.

Since I have so much to lose, I am going to work on 10 pounds at a time. The big goal would be discouraging. So for me it will be tiny steps of 10 pounds at a time until I get to where I feel I'm the most comfortable. I have also joined Curves so that is where I am getting my exercise.

I plan to use the Weight Watchers weekly weigh in as my accountability. Like Missy, I hope that this site will help take the place of meetings. I'm hoping that through our sharing we will all get the support and encouragement we need to make the changes in our lives that we need.


My name is Missy and I rejoined Weight Watchers Online last night - though I started back on the weight loss movement last week. I have just over 50 pounds to lose to get back to my LifeTime Status achieved almost 10 years ago. I am fighting Graves' Disease which makes losing weight hard - not the disease itself but rather the treatment.

My main focus is my 10 year anniversary in January. My goal is to get my BMI below 30, so I am no longer considered Obese. My starting BMI = 33.2. Current BMI = 32.9.

Today I am tracking my food with the WW site and hope to do some weight training tonight. This is where I hope to fill in the gap of not attending meeting as the other members of this site are friends and family.